Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Know Before You Go: Building Confidence on Both Sides

Nican invites YOU to "Know Before You Go: Building Confidence on Both
Launch and User Seminar

Wednesday 19 October 2011
Launch 10.00am - 10.40am followed by morning tea
KBYG User Seminar: 11.00am - 12 noon

The Reception Room, ACT Legislative Assembly
Master of Ceremonies: Nican's National Patron, Annette Ellis
With ACT Minister for Community Services
Joy Burch MLA

RSVP by Friday 14 October 2010
Ph: 1800 806 769 | Email:
Questions?: Jim McGrath or Craig Wallace on (02) 6241 1220
You are welcome to attend either the launch, the KBYG User Seminar or

Please advise with RSVP of any dietary, assistive technology, access or
other requirements, including alternate formats

What is Know Before You Go?
Funded by the ACT Government, Know Before You Go aims to strengthen the
confidence of recreation providers to include people with disabilities
also provides people with skills and tools to pursue their choices.

Know Before You Go is a new, joined up approach which works to address
barriers faced by providers and people with disabilities themselves. A
series of learning circles has worked to encourage participants to
investigate their own barriers to engagement, develop strategies and
take action to get out and involved in the community in the activities
that they love.

These learning circles have assisted the development of a tool kit of
information, facts sheets, checklists and resources that can be used by
mainstream recreation providers to build their organisation's confidence
in becoming more inclusive and accessible for people with disability.

Who should attend?
You should consider attending if you are providing mainstream sport,
recreation or community participation activities and want to know more
about ways to include people with disabilities. You should also attend
if you are working to provide people with disabilities with inclusive
sport, recreation
and participation options.

What will happen?
A launch of the kit will be held at 10am - 10.40am, hosted by Nican's
patron followed by a 1 hour bite sized Know Before You Go user seminar
that will discuss ways both recreation providers and people with
disabilities can build confidence on both sides using these tools.

What will you get?
Everyone will receive a free copy of the Know Before You Go kit and a
handy USB electronic tool kit with tailored inclusion tools and
resources for people with disabilities and providers. Attendee's at the
Know Before You Go user seminar will receive tips, tools and ideas about
creating inclusive recreation for people of all abilities which can be
used by people wishing to create inclusive recreation opportunities or
people wishing to access these opportunities. Please let us know if you
need these in alternate formats prior to the session.

Who will be presenting?
Jim McGrath is the Project Manager of Know Before You Go and a
professional with nearly 20 years' experience in government, arts and
community development. Jim is an experienced writer, adult trainer and
musician in Canberra. Jim has managed projects across a number of
agencies, including Centrelink, Health, Finance and the private sector.

Craig Wallace is the National Coordinator of the UN International Day of
People with a Disability with Nican and has worked for more than 15
years in a number of challenging roles in the public and community
sector. Craig is a member of BLITS, the Chair of the ACT Inclusion
Awards for 2011 and a member of the ABC Advisory Council, as well as an
opinion editorial commentator for the ABC's Ramp Up.

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