Thursday, June 6, 2013

A request for student mentoring volunteers for Vinnies

Vinnies is looking for people to volunteer 1 hour a week for 12 weeks as a
one-on-one mentor to students in its university program, Clemente Canberra.

Clemente Canberra is a free-of-charge university program offered by St
Vincent de Paul Society in partnership with the Australian Catholic
University. It's open to those who experience marginalisation and
disadvantage in their lives caused by homelessness, mental illness,
unemployment, substance abuse, family breakdown, disability, poverty,
disrupted education, and more.

This course is completely free-of-charge to participants, and upon
completion of four units students graduate (cap & gown!) with a Certificate
in Liberal Studies from the Australian Catholic University.

Clemente Canberra also offers a bridging program called Pathways; this
program is designed for those who want to see what it's like being a
university student before committing to the Certificate in Liberal Studies

The Role of the Mentor
The role of a Clemente Canberra Volunteer Mentor is to assist a student with
the process of learning over the 12-week course. Each mentor is matched with
a student and it is expected that the mentor will meet with the student at a
mutually convenient time and place for about one hour per week to provide
encouragement and study skills support. All mentors (Learning Partners) are
provided with training and ongoing support.

How to Register
If you'd like to know more about the program please contact Robyn on 0418
714 835. If you're interested in becoming a Clemente Canberra volunteer
mentor, you can apply directly by completing the application form on the
Vinnies' website at

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