The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP
Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers
Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and Urban Water
Conferences more accessible for people with disability
Australians with disability will be supported to attend conferences across the country, thanks to $350,000 from the Gillard Government under the National Disability Conference Initiative.
Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers Amanda Rishworth, today announced 34 conference organisers will receive grants of up to $12,000 to assist people with disability and their carers to attend a range of disability-focused conferences in 2013-2014.
“Conferences are a wonderful opportunity for people from all walks of life, including disability advocates and leading academics, to come together to learn and share experiences,” Ms Rishworth said.
“Conferences support professional development and provide an opportunity for people with disability to further develop their leadership skills. Sadly, people with disability can still face barriers in accessing them. It is through initiatives like this that the Gillard Government is helping ensure that people with disability have the same opportunities as other Australians to fulfill their potential and participate fully in community life.
“This funding will ensure conferences that are focused on improving the lives of people with disability are more accessible and inclusive. This way more people with disability can get involved, be informed and have their say. We need more voices contributing to the national conversation around disability.
“The grants will be used to assist with the costs of conference fees, accommodation and travel for people with disability and their carers. Services such as Auslan interpreters, live captioning services, hearing loops, note-takers for people who are deaf and hearing impaired, and conference materials in a range of alternative formats such as Braille or larger font can also be covered.”
DisabilityCare Australia will fundamentally transform the way we support people with disability, their families and their carers.
“That’s why in the Federal Budget Labor provided $14.3 billion over seven years to 2018-19 to roll out DisabilityCare Australia nationally, on top of existing Commonwealth disability funding. This long term funding security will provide people with significant and permanent disability, their families and carers the certainty that they deserve,” Ms Rishworth said.
“DisabilityCare Australia will give people with disability, their families and carers the care and support they need over their lifetimes, and choice and control over the services they receive.
“In just over a month, DisabilityCare Australia will become a reality for about 26,000 people with disability, their families and carers in five locations across the country.
“Once the scheme is fully rolled out, DisabilityCare Australia will provide support for around 460,000 people who have a significant and permanent disability that results in substantially reduced capacity to participate in activities of daily living, as well as for people with disability for whom evidence shows would benefit from early intervention supports.”
Media Contact: Ellen Calam (0420 383 300)
Organisations receiving National Disability Conference Initiative funding are:
Organisation | Conference Title | Date | Funding |
Queensland Advocacy | National Restrictive Practices Conference, Brisbane | 3 Oct 2013 | $6,433 |
Illawara Disability Trust | 2014 National Dual Diagnosis Conference, Sydney | 24 Feb 2014 | $7,981 |
Association of Consultants in Access Australia | Towards Universal Design the Future of Access, Sydney | 18 Nov 2013 | $8,400 |
Cerebral Palsy League of Queensland | Live the Life You Choose, Brisbane | 16 Nov 2013 | $12,000 |
Australian Communications Consumer Action Network Limited | M-Enabling Australasia 2013, NSW | 14 Aug 2013 | $12,000 |
Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education Ltd | Australasian Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Conference, Brisbane | 19 Nov 2013 | $3,000 |
Community Resource Unit Incorporated | 25 years of CRU Conference, Brisbane | 13 Sept 2013 | $10,858 |
Vision Australia | Vision Australia Texpo 2013, Victoria | 30 Aug 2013 | $12,000 |
Deaf Society of NSW | The 2nd International Conference of the World Federation of the Deaf, Sydney | 16 Oct 2013 | $12,000 |
Julia Farr Association | Young People Together – Let’s Talk Leadership and Empowerment, Adelaide | 15 Apr 2014 | $12,000 |
Able Australia Services | Let's Connect Conference, Brisbane | 14 Oct 2013 | $11,432 |
Australasian Society for Intellectual Disability - NSW | 2013 ASID National Conference, Research to Practice, Our Time, Sydney | 6 Nov 2013 | $12,000 |
Rosie's Place Incorporrated | Finding A Way-Breaking down barriers to a just response for children and young people with cognitive impairment who have experienced or are at risk of sexual abuse, Sydney | 6 May 2014 | $12,000 |
Spinal Cord Injuries Australia Ltd | Spinal Cord Injuries Australia 2014 Independence Expo, Sydney | 3 May 2014 | $12,000 |
Northside Community Forum Incorporated | Designing the Future Through Choice Enablement Arts and Disability, Sydney | 11 Mar 2014 | $11,580 |
Stroke Association of Queensland Inc | SMART STROKES 2013 9th Australasian Nursing & Allied Health Stroke Conference Risk, Recovery and Reorganisation, Brisbane | 22 Aug 2013 | $5,660 |
People with Multiple Sclerosis Victoria Incorporated | Living with Multiple Sclerosis, Victoria | 3 May 2014 | $6,244 |
Haemophilia Foundation Australia | WFH 2014 World Congress, Melbourne | 11 May 2014 | $11,483 |
National Disability Services | NDS Employment Forum & Workability International Conference 2013, Gold Coast | 8 Oct 2013 | $12,000 |
Deafness Forum of Australia Ltd | 8th NATIONAL DEAFNESS SECTOR SUMMIT, Brisbane | 3 May 2014 | $11,561 |
Round Table for Information Access for People with Print Disabilities | Round Table on Information Access Annual Conference, Brisbane | 3 May 2014 | $12,000 |
People With Disability Australia Incorporated | Stop the Violence National Symposium - Improving Service Delivery for Women and Girls with Disabilities, Sydney | 18 Oct 2013 | $12,000 |
Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (FECCA) | FECCA 2013 Conference - Breaking down the barriers - A strength-based approach for a just society, Gold Coast | 7 Nov 2013 | $12,000 |
Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability Inc | Having a Say Conference 2014, Victoria | 5 Feb 2014 | $12,000 |
Australian Sign Language Interpreters' Association, Inc. | ANC 2013 -- All in a Day's Work, NSW | 19 Oct 2013 | $6,106 |
Albinism Fellowship of Australia | Fair GO 2013 Albinism Fellowship of Australia 5th Biennial Conference, Sydney | 11 Oct 2013 | $12,000 |
Belonging Matters Inc | One Person at a Time - What Could Be, Victoria | 13 Aug 2013 | $11,750 |
Metabolic Dietary Disorders Association Croydon | Enabling and Empowering a better You, Victoria | 21 Feb 2013 | $12,000 |
Disability Employment Australia | Australia's Disability Employment Conference 2013, Adelaide | 7 Aug 2013 | $12,000 |
Speak Out Association of Tasmania Inc. | Speak Out Self Advocacy Conference 2013 (Choose your Future, Change your Life), Hobart | 18 Oct 2013 | $11,910 |
Blind Citizens Australia | Blind Citizens Australia 2013 National Convention, Embracing Change, Sydney | 26 Oct 2013 | $11,600 |
Trigeminal Neuralgia Association Australia Inc | The Road to Pain Relief Begins with You TNA Australia 5th National Conference, Gold Coast | 26 Oct 2013 | $8,400 |
Short Statured People of Australia | 2013 SSPA Annual National Convention, Tasmania | 29 Sept 2013 | $5,600 |
Arthritis Foundation of Victoria Incorporated | Living Well with Musculoskeletal Conditions - Overcoming the impact of disability on day to day activities, Melbourne | 25 May 2014 | $8,400 |
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