Monday, February 3, 2014

Advokit Update #2 - Advocacy and the NDIS


30 January 2014

Advokit Update #2


Hello subscriber,

We hope you find the Advokit by DANA a useful online tool to discover relevant information and resources and to navigate the National Disability Insurance Scheme. We intend the website to address the needs of its users so please use the online functions to provide feedback, suggest improvements or submit case studies.  This Advokit Update includes upcoming events to inform NDIS advocacy and some online resources.

5th National Disability Advocacy Conference, 2013

The DANA Conference last October featured a number of interesting presentations on the NDIS. Many slides and transcripts can be found on the Conference page on the DANA Website.

NDIS Evaluation

Researchers, based at Flinders University, want to engage with NDIS participants, their family, supporters and carers, to evaluate (and ultimately improve) the scheme's performance.


EVENTS in February 2014


Informative and instructive events about the NDIS, self advocacy and self-directed approaches are happening this month throughout Australia. 

Brisbane – NDIS Symposium

3 February, Griffith University is hosting a Symposium on the NDIS, for people with disabilities and their families, service providers, government and researchers to share their knowledge and experiences.   

Canberra – Self-advocacy training courses

5 February, Advocacy for Inclusion is holding a Supporting Self-Advocacy workshop. An 8 week training course on Men’s Self-Advocacy commences on 11 February 2014.  

Geelong – Having a Say Conference & Our Choice Expo

5 February, VALID is hosting a three-day conference for people with disabilities. A free Expo shall be held on 7 February featuring local and state-wide services and supports.   

Adelaide – Forum on appealing NDIA decisions 

18 February, BINSA is holding a forum on appealing decisions made by the NDIA and the External Merits Review Support Service.  

Newcastle – Reach for the Sky – Using the NDIS to Create the Life You Want

19 February,  Resourcing Families and the Community Disability Alliance Hunter present a free workshop for people with disability, their families and friends.

Adelaide – Choices and Voices Workshop

19 February, as part of a series of free events for people living with disability, and family and friends, JFA Purple Orange is hosting a workshop looking at the values of control and choice which underpin the new disability funding arrangements.

Canberra – Being an Informed decision maker workshop

21 February, continuing a series of free capacity building workshop for individuals and their families, Imagine More and ADACAS shall look at choices and decisions in the NDIS.

NSW – Getting Started Workshops and NDIA information sessions

In February, across various locations, My Choice Matters is hosting workshops (some ATSI or CALD specific) for people with disabilities, their friends, families and supporters. The National Disability Insurance Agency is holding community forums in Lake Macquarie, Maitland, Newcastle and Kahibah.    

RESOURCES featured on the Advokit!


We have recently added a few more links to external resources in the sections on planning, supported decision making and self advocacy. 

Choice Toolkit – It’s My Choice!

Paul Ramcharan of RMIT gave an excellent presentation at the 5th National Disability Advocacy Conference last year. He was instrumental in the creation of the Inclusion Melbourne It’s My Choice! Toolkit, which includes resources on the principles of choice and guides for people with a disability, family carers, friends and advocates and for disability support providers.


Picture My Future 

Researchers at Deakin University developed the Picture My Future online training tool that can be used to assist people with intellectual disability and communication difficulties explore their goals for the future.

Self Advocacy Kit

Advocacy for Inclusion has created the Self Advocacy Kit – a toolbox of resources and information to help people speak up for themselves. It is designed for people with disabilities, and  parents or carers, who need a little extra help to get their message across and be heard.

The Housing Toolkit

The Summer Foundation has created the Housing Toolkit for people with disability who require a high level of support and their families, to support decision making in relation to housing and support options within the NDIS. 

Planning your way

Youth Disability Advocacy Service has created this resource for young people with disabilities who want to have more control over their planning and supports ... and their life.   Planning your way provides advice and stories about moving out of home, becoming more independent, planning and taking charge of supports and understanding rights. 


YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS help improve the Advokit:

What has your experience of the NDIS been so far? What topics would you like to know more about? Use the Provide Feedback button on the website to tell us about problems or gaps in the website content, suggest improvements or links to online resources, or any other thoughts or comments you would like to share. We would love to know more about challenges and problems faced and advocacy strategies that have worked well in the Trial Sites. You can share stories and experiences using the Submit a Case Study button.    


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