Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Inclusive Education workshops

ImagineMore Inclusive Education Workshops - Please share this
information with families that may be interested.
Workshop 1
For Families Who Are Considering An Inclusive Education - Choosing A

Monday 31 March 2014

Campbell High School Library
Treloar Crescent, Campbell, Canberra

About this Workshop

An introduction to the life choices that you make and their likely
implications: This workshop helps prepare parents to make the choices
that they think will be most beneficial in the long run based on their
expert knowledge of their child rather than being coerced by a room full
of professionals.

Workshop 2
Children At Primary School: What Parents Can Do To Help Achieve Positive
Experiences In Mainstream Settings

Tuesday 1st April 2014

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Centre

245 Lady Denman Drive, Yarramundi Reach, on the foreshores of Lake
Burley Griffin.

About this Workshop

By building partnerships with the school, working at home with your
child and thinking strategically, problems can be reduced and the
likelihood of your child gaining friends and becoming a valued member of
the school community can be increased.

Join us for this workshop in which Bob Jackson will cover areas such as
preparing for transitions, building community relationships for your
child, valued roles and developing positive advocacy skills. The
importance of literacy and numeracy will also be discussed.

Workshop 3
Preparing Your Child For An Ordinary Life: What Can You Do To Make It
More Likely To Occur?

Tuesday 1st April 2014
5:30-8:30 pm
Campbell High School Library
Treloar Crescent, Campbell, Canberra

About this Workshop

At the conclusion of high school, the life outcomes for a person with a
disability can vary enormously. Great outcomes can be achieved through
careful planning and preparation for life after school, and this process
should start as early as possible.

In this workshop Bob Jackson will look at ways to plan for the future in
life areas such as work, post school education, accommodation,
relationships, recreation, fun and safety. The workshop will look at
strategies to maximise community participation, building valued roles
and working with teenagers who have high vulnerability but wish for and
need growing independence.

For more information and registration go to

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