Monday, May 11, 2015

Family, Friends and Lovers Training at SHFPACT

Family, Friends and Lovers: a sexuality and relationships education program for adults with intellectual disabilities

SHFPACT is proud to present its new sexuality and relationships education program Family, Friends and Lovers (FFL)
FFL covers a range of topics around relationships including consent, asking for help, dating, meeting people, the online world, healthy relationships and sexual health.

Family, Friends and Lovers is an ideal resource for providing strategies for facilitators to present and promote sexuality and relationships in a positive manner to adults with intellectual disabilities. For participants with intellectual disabilities, this manual endeavours to provide guidance for functional knowledge and skill development in the areas of sexual health, sexual expression and sexual safety (therefore leading to improved social participation and inclusion).

SHFPACT currently delivers FFL training as a train-the-trainer program for people who work with and care for people with intellectual disabilities.

SHFPACT has two dates currently available to enrol in FFL training - Thursday 28th of May and Tuesday the 14th of July.

Please see our website for more information and/ or details on how to enrol in the course -  or contact the course coordinator Elle Reid on (02) 6247 3077 or email:<>.

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