JFA Purple Orange has made a submission to the Federal Government's Senate inquiry into violence, abuse and neglect against people living with disability in institutional and residential settings. Our submission recommends: - A nationally consistent and contemporary approach to prevent and respond to abuse, that recognises an individual's humanity, value and belonging
- A system for preventing and responding to abuse, that has authentic powers to take action
- An Australia-wide, zero tolerance approach to violence, abuse and neglect of people living with disability
- Contemporary housing models that enable people living with disability to be part of the community, with the natural safeguard of community connection and inclusion
- A national mandatory system for reporting abuse of people living with certain types of disability.
The submission highlights that systemic responses must include measures that positively build a person's capacity and maximise the good in a person's life, rather than focussing on avoiding bad things happening. It emphasises the importance of building natural safeguards in people's lives and the need to invest in helping people build natural connections with other people in their local community so that they can hold valued roles. These things will have greater impact in the longer term than reporting and corrective actions. |
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