Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Towards a better life - 2 day workshop

This 2 day event is for anyone who is serious about improving the lives of marginalised and disadvantaged people such as people with a mental illness, people with disabilities, frail aged and people experiencing poverty or homelessness. This 2 day workshop is designed to assist participants to: o  Understand social devaluation and its consequences for people who are marginalised;o  Learn about SRV as a means of addressing those experiences of devaluation;o  Strengthen one's motivation to counteract devaluation in the lives of people one knows and supports; ando  Clarify the features of a good life and the essential means of obtaining that good life. The ideas in SRV theory often pose a challenge to participants as they directly address what is really involved in achieving valued social roles within one's community. In this way SRV becomes an ongoing stimulus to examine what is authentically optimal for people with a devalued status. Participants will be asked to consider and discuss how individuals, human services and society contribute to the marginalisation of such people. The event will inspire participants to reflect on the value of obtaining a 'good life' and consider how we may support people who have been denied so many beneficial features of a good life to have better lives and greater involvement in their communities. The importance of valued social roles will be considered, and how positive roles can be supported and developed. Course Details:Registrations close: 22nd July 2015Date:  28th & 29th July 2015Time: 9:30am -5:00pmVenue: Griffith Neighbourhood Hall55 Stuart Street, GriffithCost: $260 GST incl per person (incl handouts, lunch & morning/afternoon tea). This event can be part of capacity building in an NDIS plan.
Register online: http://imaginemore.org.au/upcoming-events/towards-a-better-life-workshop/Jan Kruger
Directorwww.imaginemore.org.au jan@imaginemore.org.au0458282545
Capacity Building workshops running 2015/2016 Consultations on what helps to plan for the NDIS Self managing workshop and Self employing under the NDIS Circles of Support conversations

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