Friday, May 8, 2015

WWDACT NDIS research project

Women With Disabilities ACT (WWDACT) is currently working on a research project looking at women's experiences with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).


We are hoping women with a disability in the ACT would like to share their story of how they have engaged with the NDIA, telling us issues that are important to them and discussing their experience.


Attached is a flyer and information sheet about the project.


If you know anyone who might be interested in having a conversation with us it would be great to hear their story. This will help us feedback to the NDIA relevant issues for women in the ACT as well as inform and empower other women in their journey with the NDIS.


Please contact me if you would like further information.


Many thanks and look forward to hearing from you!



Project Officer | Women With Disabilities ACT

Mondays: 10am - 3pm, Thursdays: 9am – 4:30pm

P: 6290 2166 | W: Search for us on  Facebook and Twitter!


Winner 2012 ACT Chief Minister's International Women's Day Award Community Category


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