Monday, June 1, 2015

Fresh Mess "Healthy Eating - Healthy Mind" Launch at Ainslie Village Friday, 11.00am - 5 June.

"Healthy Eating - Healthy Mind"

Richmond Fellowship ACT Inc. and  ACTML-led (PIR), in collaboration Argyle
Housing and OzHarvest are proud to launch Fresh Mess at Ainslie Village on
Friday morning at 11.00am, Friday 5 June 2015.

Clients, Carers and all CDNet members are invited to the Launch. This is an
ideal opportunity to find out more about this exciting and successful
program, funded by the ACT Medicare Local -led Partners in Recovery Program

Frank Quinlan, the CEO of the Mental Health Council of Australia, the peak
NGO representing the mental health sector in Australia, will speak at the

Fresh Mess aims to address the poor health outcomes for those living with
severe and persistent mental health issues. Many can rarely afford or access
healthy food. Fresh Mess  addresses this need through the promotion of good
health and a range of healthy lifestyle choices.

Fresh Mess provides fresh and healthy food, hospitality training and
qualifications, volunteering work, market garden experience, participation
in healthy cooking demonstrations and even collaboration in the development
of a Co-op member's Cook Book.

Each person who accesses Fresh Mess, open Sunday afternoons from the Ainslie
Village kitchen between 1-3pm, becomes a member for an Annual Fee of $10.00.
Each member can then take home a box or bag of healthy fresh food at no cost
every Sunday. Co-op members are also encouraged to volunteer in the kitchen
once per season.  Everyone is also welcome to help with the onsite vege

A Fresh Mess delicious afternoon tea provides a great opportunity for
members to meet people, make friends and gain information about
opportunities, activities, other services and referrals.

Contact: Ineke Wylde, Richmond Fellowship ACT Inc. 6248 6118, 6221 9255 e:

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