Monday, June 1, 2015

Introduction to Disability & Sexuality ( Nationally Accredited 3 day course)

Introduction to Disability & Sexuality ( Nationally Accredited 3 day course)
Dates:  16th, 17th & 18th June
Time: 9:30am - 5pm each day
Location: SHFPACT training room - Level One, 28 University Ave, Canberra.
Cost: $295; Student/ Concession: $195; Multiple workers from one workplace: $195 each

SHFPACT's core unit for those supporting people with a disability is a 3 day nationally accredited course designed to allow participants to support and engage people with disabilities in their daily lives on sexuality, relationships and sexual health issues, and provides positive strategies for appropriate behaviours. This course is recommended career development for Disability Support Workers, Teachers and STAs, Respite Workers, Nurses, Allied Health Workers and other Professionals. The course may also benefit parents and carers of people with a disability. The course will equip participants with skills in communicating comfortably, effectively and in a way accessible to people with a disability; and assist participants in the preparation & provision of appropriate information about sexual and reproductive health to address the needs of individuals and groups of clients.
SHFPACT is a registered training organisation (RTO). SHFPACT's Introduction to Disability & Sexuality is a nationally accredited course that fulfils the unit CHCCED311A: Provide sexual and reproductive health information to clients.
For more information please contact Erin Smith or call 62473077

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