Tuesday, September 20, 2011

ACT I-Day grants - Applications close 7 October

Nican with the support of Disability ACT is pleased to announce the opportunity for ACT community groups and organisations to apply for financial support, in the form of a once-only grant to assist in a program or event for the International Day of People with Disability in 2011.

The International Day of People with Disability (I-Day) is a United Nations sanctioned day that aims to promote awareness and understanding of disability issues and encourage support for the dignity, rights and
well-being of people with disability. I-Day also seeks to increase awareness of the benefits of inclusion of people with disability in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.

The Day brings together people with disability, community organisations, businesses, individuals and all levels of government. The Day unites people in the celebration and acknowledgement of the contributions, skills and achievements of people with disability. A key message for the Australian celebrations of the Day in 2011 is Breaking Down the Barriers.

Available Grant Funding
Each application may relate to an individual project or initiative funding of either up to $1,000 or up to $5,000 (plus GST). These funds are non-recurrent, which means that they will only be provided for the individual project or initiative in the 2011-2012 financial year.

The total amount of funding available for all applications in 2011-2012 is $20,000 (GST exclusive).

In 2011 there will be two categories of funding offered.

Community events, Category 1 Under $1000
I-Day initiatives, Category 2 Up to $5,000

Category 1 is intended for a range of small -medium sized disability themed community events, projects, initiatives and celebrations to occur on or around the 3 December 2011.

Category 2 will support projects with ongoing benefits and a matching contribution. Applicants applying for funding in Category 2 must demonstrate a matched contribution to the project or initiative and ongoing benefits from the projects beyond the International Day.

Only a limited number of Category 2 grants will be made. The matched contributions may be derived from other funding sources, provision of materials and/or equipment and human resources.

Projects or initiatives for both categories must be linked to the celebrations for the International Day of People with Disability and if an event is involved this should be held on or around 3 December 2011. All funded events must be registered on www.idpwd.com.au

An information kit and application forms can be obtained from the events page at www.nican.com.au (a direct link is at http://tinyurl.com/67exxd3 ) or by emailing admin@nican.com.au or phoning 1800 806 769.
Applications close 7 October 2011.

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