Monday, November 26, 2012

NDIS Every Australian Counts Campaign - Canberra event11:45 AM Tuesday, 27 November.

NOTE: slight change of time. Please forward this message on to your

Hello everyone,

It would be great to see you NEXT TUESDAY 27th of NOVEMBER at 11:45
AM-12:45 PM the final "Every Australian Accounts campaign for an NDIS"
event for the year, this time we have a Canberra event of national
significance to encourage our federal politicians to lock in full
funding for the NDIS.
Let's make it a big turnout for the campaign.

It is very likely that legislation for the NDIS will be introduced to
parliament this week, so we're leveraging off that and calling on both
the Government and Opposition to fully fund the NDIS and lock it in for
all people with disability in Australia.

We will be having a 30 minute media event with key speakers, including
ex-Deputy Prime Minister Tim Fischer. In addition to the speakers we
are asking local supporters with a disability, families and service
providers to join us and let our politicians know that we need a fully
funded NDIS locked in for the future of all people with a disability and
their families.

Here are the details for the event:

Date: Tuesday, 27th of November.
Time: 11:45am-12:45pm
Location: at Federation Mall on the lawns directly in front of
Parliament House.

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