Friday, May 31, 2013

Better Practice Forum- Integration of Service in the ACT/ Queanbeyan Region

The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) would like you to participate in the Better Practice Forum for integrating services in the ACT/ Queanbeyan Region. Please refer to the below invitation for full details.

A key focus for the Australian Government is delivering wrap-around servicing for the most disadvantaged job seekers. Accordingly DEEWR is rolling out state-based Better Practice forums around Australia to provide an avenue for organisations providing services to the community and Employment Services providers to meet, discuss and explore how the interactions between them can work more effectively. In an effort to respond to the main concerns that service providers raise about working with Employment Service providers, the Better Practice Forums aim to assist in addressing:

* Knowledge sharing among providers
* Explore how we can better work together
* Provide information on Employment Services outcome fees and the Employment Pathway Fund

DEEWR will also be providing attending service providers with Engagement Packs containing information and tips on how to work with Employment Services providers and maintain a working relationship which is mutually beneficial to both parties and to job seekers.

The Better Practice Forum creates an opportunity for all participating service providers to share best practice and interesting information on integrating services in the ACT/ Queanbeyan Region. We intend to develop an agenda for the forum that will inspire and challenge you, that will provide thought provoking data on disadvantage in the ACT/Queanbeyan region and will allow some organisations to showcase their approaches and services. For this purpose, if you have any case studies that highlight better practice examples of integration of servicing or if you are interested in providing a short presentation on how your organisation delivers integrative servicing please include a summary of this information with your rsvp.

The Department encourages you to invite a management staff member and an operational staff member to the forum.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Many thanks
Tamsen Marriott
DEEWR Southern NSW/ACT Regional Manager

Better Practice Forum- Integration of Servicing

Date: Wednesday 3 July 2013

Time: 10am – 3pm

Location: Ground Floor Function Room
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
50 Marcus Clarke Street, Civic, ACT
{Entry will be through the side entrance on Marcus Clarke street, not through the main DEEWR entrance}

RSVP: By Friday 14 June 2013
Att. Sheree O'Dea

Please provide us with the names of the attendees.

Lunch is provided. If you have any special or dietary requirements, please inform us when you RSVP to the forum.

An agenda will be forwarded to attendees prior to the day.

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