Monday, February 3, 2014

Women in the ACT: Call for contributions to the ACTCOSSnewsletter

The Autumn edition of the ACT Council of Social Service's printed newsletter Update will focus on:

Women in the ACT:
Frustrated, Motivated, Activated.

Would you or your organisation like to contribute an article?
Let us know ASAP to guarantee your spot!

We are keen to publish articles from diverse perspectives on the experiences of women in the ACT, including community service users and community sector workers.

* How have the women in your life inspired you to pursue social justice?
* What barriers do women facing violence, women from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, women living with disability, women with past experience or currently experiencing disadvantage face when accessing community services? How can services assist in minimising these barriers or support women in overcoming them?
* How are changes in services available to women in the ACT affecting vulnerable or disadvantaged people and communities?
* How is the ACT performing in its human rights obligations to women and promotion of gender equality?
* What are the challenges women face when working in the ACT community sector? How has the Equal Remuneration Order affected working in the sector?
* What demand and opportunities are there for innovative approaches to ACT women's services, and how do you engage service users in co-designing and co-evaluating services?
* How have self-help women's groups supported you or your service's users?
* How are women driving positive social change in the ACT?
* What do you think of the presentation of images and lives of women in public debate and the media?

Copy deadline: 17 February 2014.

Word count: 200-800 words.

Images & logos: high quality (>200dpi) JPEG, EPS, PDF or PSD format, greyscale.

Distributed: March 2014.

Contact: Suzanne , ph: 02 6202 7235.


Q. Is contributing an article free?
A. Yes!

Q. What if I want to contribute an article to the newsletter but it's not related to the theme?
A. You can still send through your articles by the deadline, and we will either include them, or save them for future editions. Preference will be given to publishing articles provided by ACTCOSS members.

Q. Can I advertise in the newsletter?
A. Yes! Prices are as follows:

1/4 page: $30 (member), $90 (non-member).
1/2 page: $60 (member), $150 (non-member).
Full page: $100 (member), $225 (non-member).
Flyer insert: $70 (member), $100 (non-member).

More information is available here:
To reserve your spot contact Suzanne , ph: 02 6202 7235.

Q. Who and how many people does Update go to?
A. Over 200 community organisations, associates, politicians (ACT MLAs, ACT senators), and community sector officials in ACT Government directorates.

Q. What if I have an idea for an upcoming Update theme?
A. Please let us know! We are open to suggestions.

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