Daily Media Round-Up Monday 12 May 2014
National: Budget 2014: People on disability support pension to have ability to work reassessed
11 May 2014
ABC News
Thousands of Australians on the disability support pension (DSP) will have their ability to work reassessed under welfare changes to be introduced in the budget.
National: GPs question crackdown on disability payments
12 May 2014
Richard Bruinsma, Sunshine Coast Daily
SCORES of Sunshine Coast residents receiving government handouts due to disability could soon be examined by independent doctors to decide if their welfare payments should be cut and they be sent off to work.
National: Easy access to disability pension over says Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews
10 May 2014
Up to 20,000 Australians who receive the disability support pension will be assessed for the capacity to work, as the government cracks down on welfare payments.
National: Disability advocates call for more jobs if pension is restricted
9 May 2014
Maomi Woodley, ABC AM
Disability pensioners are expecting recent, younger recipients to be medically re-assessed, and they're worried that there could also be changes to the indexation or rate of growth of the pension.
NSW: Disabled students may sue for discrimination over TAFE reforms
9 May 2014
Kirsty Needham, SMH
The Education Department will face legal action for discrimination if deaf and disabled students are unable to attend TAFE because of cuts to Auslan interpreters and notetakers, disability groups have warned.
National: Young on disability pension scrutinised
10 May 2014
Sky News
A nationwide audit of the Disability Support Pension is expected to be announced as part of Tuesday's budget blueprint. http://www.skynews.com.au/news/national/2014/05/10/young-on-disability-pension-scrutinised.html
VIC: Taxi giving needy a fare go
10 May 2014
Carolyn Webb, The Age
Winter is coming and the taxi industry has been shrouded in gloom with debate over driver training, the value of licences and cab shortages.
National: Easy access to welfare is over: Andrews
10 May 2014
Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews says up to 20,000 Australians who receive the disability support pension will be assessed for their ability to work.
National: Human rights film festival on tour
12 May 2014
Tara Watson, Arts Hub
The Human Rights Art and Film Festival tour has begun in Melbourne with an arts program not only to entertain but to enlighten.
World: Deaf Nebraska medical student awarded legal fees
9 May 2014
Margery Beck, Associate Press
A federal judge has ordered Creighton University in Omaha to pay nearly $500,000 in legal fees for a deaf medical student who successfully sued the school for discrimination.
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