Sunday, May 25, 2014

Early Days Workshops

Early Days Workshops
AAACT are very proud to present the 4th Free Early Days Workshop for May and June 2014. 'Tips for Everyday Skills' are the focus of the next two workshops. The last 3 workshops have had excellent reviews.  

The Early Days workshops share valuable information with parents and carers of children aged 0-6 years who may suspect their child has an Autism Spectrum Disorder or is in the process of being diagnosed or already has a diagnosis. 

Culturally appropriate ones are offered as well. We can offer for a facilitator to meet Aboriginal and Torres Strait families or CALD families individually instead of in a group situation to ensure good information is received by the family. 

We really would like the community of parents and carers of children 0-6 years old to hear about these workshops. Please see attached the workshop flyers and some information about Early Days Workshops. For further information contact 61760514 or email

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