Monday, May 26, 2014

Microboards Canberra First Chatterbox meeting a great success

Hi all


One of the values of our microboards group is that all people have the ability to communicate and make choices.  That can of course stretch some of us when we think of our severely disabled sons and daughters.  But our beliefs make us feel and act in certain ways and make us open or closed to opportunities.  So we have got to doggedly keep believing it to give it a chance of happening.  We also have to be tenacious and keep trying, sometimes for many years.


Learning to speak takes many years of watching and learning from the people around us.  So does learning to communicate using alternative communication methods.  With this in mind I set up the Chatterbox group where people interested in learning and practicing alternative communication methods can gather over a cuppa and chat with each other and a speech therapist on how to support our family member or friend to communicate.  We held our first meeting of the Chatterbox Group on Saturday – it was really useful and fun!


You can read about what we talked about and see some photos here


Our next meeting will be on Thursday July 24 at 7pm at my house - Melba.  You, your family member with a communication disability, anyone in you family member’s network or anyone with an interest in learning about alternative communication is welcome to attend and it’s free!




Sheree Henley


Microboards Canberra


Tel: 0407305739






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