Monday, May 26, 2014

Review of the ACT Discrimination Act


Humanity eNewsletter

22 May 2014

Please note the below information is supplied by the ACT Law Reform Advisory Council (LRAC), and does not relate to work being undertaken by the ACT Human Rights Commission.

LRAC is holding a further consultation session on 29 May to hear the community's views on reforming ACT anti-discrimination law:

Thursday 29 May
Meeting Room 9, Griffin Centre, 20 Genge Street Civic


The LRAC has been asked by the ACT Attorney-General to inquire into the scope and operation of the ACT’s Discrimination Act.

As part of the inquiry, LRAC has prepared a Community Consultation Paper, available on the ACT Justice and Community Safety Directorate Website.  To request a copy in an alternative format, please contact LRAC on 02 6125 7514 or by email to

LRAC would like to invite community members to provide feedback and comments about the Discrimination Act. You are invited to make a submission to the inquiry using the methods listed below. 

02 6125 7514

For an interpreter, call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450 and ask for the ACT Law Reform Advisory Council.

If you are deaf or have a speech impairment contact the National Relay Service on 133 677 (TTY users) or 1300 555 727 (Speak and Listen) and ask for the ACT Law Reform Advisory Council on 02 6125 7514.

  • Mail:  Submissions, ACT Law Reform Advisory Council, C/- ANU College of Law, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200.

For further information, please see LRAC’s website at or contact Laura Sweeney, Executive Officer, ACT Law Reform Advisory Council, on 02 6125 7514, or by email to



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