Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Advocacy For Inclusion is holding an NDIS Pre-planning Workshop for People with Disabilities.

Advocacy For Inclusion is holding an NDIS Pre-planning Workshop for People with Disabilities.
Starting on Thursday 28 May 2015, between 10am - 12pm, for 5 weeks
At: Havelock Housing Association Inc.
Federation Room
85 Northbourne Avenue
Turner, ACT 2612

Cost $60.00 (plus Eventbrite fees)
"MY NDIS, My life, My Vision, My Say" is a 5 week workshop series for people with disabilities on being ready for your first NDIS planning meeting. People with disabilities attending the workshop will receive a free copy of our "My NDIS" preplanning kit.
Some feedback we have already received from previous pre-planning workshops included:
"When the NDIS came to talk to me there was nothing new. We had already talked about it here" and "because we had talked about NDIS I understood all the words and what they were talking about".
Evidence from trial sites has shown that the preplanning process is key to successful NDIS outcome.
To book
Limited spaces available
Any queries please do not hesitate in contacting the Training Team

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