Feature Event: Guest Speaker Diana Whitton
This event is designed for parents, teachers and interested persons
Topic: Making the differentiated curriculum meaningful for gifted students
When: Thursday 15th November. 7 - 9 pm. (please arrive from 6.45pm onwards for a prompt start at 7pm)
Where: Hedley Beare Centre for Teaching and Learning, 51 Fremantle Drive, Stirling ACT 2611
Parking: free parking is available onsite
Cost: free
Reservation of Place: to reserve a place please email actgifted@gmail.com with a name, email and contact phone number. A ticket receipt will be sent in reply.
Making the differentiated curriculum meaningful for gifted students
Too often we worry about the identification of a gifted student and not about the curriculum differentiation that should be developed to meet the needs of the gifted students. Through the examination of one school's policy to ensure gifted students' needs are met the curriculum differentiation will be analysed to see how the content, process, products and environment has been altered to challenge the students in their regular classroom.
Dr Diana Whitton is an associate professor in education with responsibilities for teaching pre-service and in-service teachers in gifted and talented education, service learning and primary education. Following teaching in both England and New South Wales primary schools she took up an appointment at the University of Western Sydney.
Throughout her teaching career she has studied various facets of education including:
- teacher librarianship and children's literature;
- curriculum development;
- creative arts;
- service learning; and,
- the education of gifted and talented children.
Following the completion of two honours Master of Education degrees through Wollongong and Charles Sturt universities, Diana completed the doctoral program at the University of Connecticut.
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