Monday, February 3, 2014

Quit Smoking Services 2014 - Cancer Council ACT

If your workplace/organisation/community group is interested in
supporting you, their staff and/or clients, Cancer Council ACT is able
to provide the following services:

1. Quit Seminar
The seminar is a 60 or 90-minute information session where participants
can find out more about:
* why they smoke;
* what type of smoker they are;
* how to cut down or quit and
* coping with possible withdrawal symptoms.

2. Fresh Start Course
The Fresh Start Course comprises of eight one-hour sessions held over an
eight-week period. The course provides information, resources and
support to participants about quitting smoking and staying quit.
The Fresh Start Course incorporates the information provided in the Quit
Seminar as well as utilising video and written materials to help smokers
increase their:
* understanding of the addiction of smoking * knowledge of different
quitting methods and products * understanding of smoking and quitting so
that they are able better to choose a personal quitting strategy and
develop an individual quit plan.

3. Short Course
This is a two-session course combined with support from Quitline's
telephone call-back service. The course comprises of a three-hour group
discussion, led by a Quit facilitator, with a three-hour followup
session two weeks later.

The Short Course covers the same topics and information that the Fresh
Start course does (see above for details) in a slightly shortened

4. Individual counselling
Individuals wanting to quit smoking who are unable to attend a
course/seminar are able to access individual brief intervention
counselling from a trained Quit Educator. Each session lasts from
between 30-60 minutes and provides intensive support for individuals to
identify their smoking behaviours, triggers and habits and develop
targeted strategies to deal with potential triggers when quitting.
Follow-up sessions can be arranged if required.

How to book
Please contact Cancer Council ACT on (02) 6257 9999 or to discuss your requirements and to
arrange a seminar or course on your premises.

Fees: negotiable dependant on organisational capacity

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