Thursday, May 28, 2015

Fair Work Act & disability consultations

Deloitte Access Economics are conducting a series of forums to understand
the access Australians with a disability have to employment rights as
defined under the Fair Work Act. They are working with the Fair Work
Ombudsman to develop an education strategy that may be implemented to
improve access.

I am pleased to be working with Deloitte to help develop this project and
connect it to people who can help us shape a good outcome. They are
seeking employees with a disability to attend one of the following forums.
Participation will be paid. Canberra forums are as follows:

1. 10:30 ­ 11:30am, 9 June 2015 at 1/9 Sydney Avenue, Barton ACT 2600
2. 2:00 ­ 3:00pm, 9 June 2015 at 1/9 Sydney Avenue, Barton, ACT 2600

Expressions of interest can be registered here:

Or by directly contacting Jess Moses at or on
(02) 9322 3644.

Please feel free to pass on this information as appropriate.

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